Ministries | St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church


Altar Ministries
Altar Guild
If you are interested in one or more of the Altar Ministries, please contact the office at 303-693-8872 or send an email..

Communion Ministry
St. Martin members extend the St. Martins community by sharing Communion with the Cherry Creek Retirement Village and the Aurora Care Center.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew
The mission of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is to disciple men and boys unto a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through the lifelong disciplines of daily prayer, regular study and committed service. Visit our page for more information about the St. Martins Chapter.

St. Clare’s Supper
St. Martin members serve at St. Clare’s Ministries, one of the Diocesian Jubilee Ministries, located at St. Peter and St. Mary’s in Denver on the fourth Tuesday of each month. A worship service is held at 5 pm, followed by a dinner at 6 pm. The dinner is intended for the homeless and working poor of the area, but all are welcomed. Currently, St. Clare’s is serving over 120 guests per Tuesday night at a cost of only $.71 per plate. Most guests leave having as much food as they want. The food is always well balanced, nutritional and quite tasty. Additionally, there is the St Clare’s Clothes Closet, providing free clothes, which is open at least one Tuesday a month.

Hand Crafted Pillow Cases
Members of the St. Martin’s Community sew pillowcases for the use of Colorado Children’s Hospital and the Victim Services department of the Aurora Police Department. Young patients at Children’s Hospital can select a pillowcase to use while in the hospital and take home with them after their care. A pillowcase with bright colors, cartoon or super hero characters, or a pretty pattern allows the children to show individuality while in a very sterile environment. The Victim Services department of the Aurora Police department allows individuals who are being removed from an unsafe situation to place their belongings in a pillowcase instead of a trash bag. This simple option can have a positive impact on people as having everything you own in a trash bag can be mentally harmful. While a pillowcase serves much the same purpose, it is not disposable and shows some character and color.

If you are interested in supporting this ministry, please contact the office at 303-680-6376 or [email protected] for more information and to get in touch with the coordinator, Jeannine Montgomerie.

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